Saturday, July 17, 2010

Is it over?

I don't ever even dream any more.. and When I do, its almost certainly a bore. I sometimes have superpowers, but they don't work. I'm never really scared, never really happy or exited... That is of course if I dream at all.  I think I'm just to worn down.

I did dream of these Tornadoes the other night... They were humongous, and they were every where I turned... I thought I had the power to make them stop, make them go away, but then I tried; Nothing happened. I was powerless the whole time and I thought I had it under control. 

1 comment:

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

what an interesting dream!!
The best dream for me would be flying~~~*
I wonder if your dream was in color?

Great weekend Monty!