But what would he say, what would you say, what do I say, to a dream in which I have those powers, but that they were given to me by the Prince of Evil himself, and not only that, but that I am half begotten of him as well? Yeah...
Anyway, s you might guess, the other of the contributors was of the Heavenly persuasion, an obvious mental battle, right? I am simply feeling torn between doing what is right and what is easy (aka what feels good in this case)
The odd thing is, in my dreams, I am always, and I mean always, the hero. The thought of being the villain is never even brought to the for-front of my mind. However, In this dream, not only was it on the front line, but it was seeming like a very enticing option.
It felt good, to even entertain the idea.. I remember in the dream, the “Prince” telling me that I had the choice, and that in the big picture, It would be okay to choose either. I remember the relief I felt, how comforting the idea was.
In the end I grabbed a flame from a nearby candle and magically blew it into his face in order to escape. I chose the “right” thing in the dream, but why was I so open to the idea of evil? Why did “evil” suddenly seem not so bad?
Maybe I should keep this one to myself.. I do not think I am gonna become a devil worshiper or anything. However, I am obviously feeling some things that need to be explored. I can say that I know I am at a precipice, and that my current choices a going to affect me long term. I have to stay focused, now more than ever. As crazy as it sounds, I know full well where the wide road leads from this point… I have seen it, and I have no desire to go there.
1 comment:
I am a christian and, like you, wonder sometimes about where my intentions are headed - when I don't mind evil so much is when I'm the most dissatisfied, but I keep falling back to that melancholy acceptance somehow, as if what I have in God is not enough. Good thoughts.
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