Saturday, July 17, 2010
Is it over?
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

But what would he say, what would you say, what do I say, to a dream in which I have those powers, but that they were given to me by the Prince of Evil himself, and not only that, but that I am half begotten of him as well? Yeah...
Anyway, s you might guess, the other of the contributors was of the Heavenly persuasion, an obvious mental battle, right? I am simply feeling torn between doing what is right and what is easy (aka what feels good in this case)
The odd thing is, in my dreams, I am always, and I mean always, the hero. The thought of being the villain is never even brought to the for-front of my mind. However, In this dream, not only was it on the front line, but it was seeming like a very enticing option.
It felt good, to even entertain the idea.. I remember in the dream, the “Prince” telling me that I had the choice, and that in the big picture, It would be okay to choose either. I remember the relief I felt, how comforting the idea was.
In the end I grabbed a flame from a nearby candle and magically blew it into his face in order to escape. I chose the “right” thing in the dream, but why was I so open to the idea of evil? Why did “evil” suddenly seem not so bad?
Maybe I should keep this one to myself.. I do not think I am gonna become a devil worshiper or anything. However, I am obviously feeling some things that need to be explored. I can say that I know I am at a precipice, and that my current choices a going to affect me long term. I have to stay focused, now more than ever. As crazy as it sounds, I know full well where the wide road leads from this point… I have seen it, and I have no desire to go there.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
The Night I Fell in Love.
My granny’s house, a battle of misunderstanding is fought there.
A fire set by two boys, mischievous, meaning no harm, but there is harm done.
The ones I love are there, I grab Bella, I take control, I scream “Flee”
But I lead them in the wrong direction…
Bella and I escape at the last moment, they do not…
I see them die, as the house falls down, flames are everywhere..
Then I see their ghosts, still standing in the burning coals of the fallen home...
Everything turns slow, as I walk through the rubble.
Each Spirit smiles at me “it’s okay” they seem to say.
In the distance I hear a song, it’s “Look Away” by Chicago, but its sang as a country song.
I walk past them all, holding Bella in my arms… I come to Tara, she is the last one I see.
Her face is so understanding, she looks to me with a smile as I start to cry…
“I’m sorry I didn’t love you better,” I say, and she just smiles.
I cannot tell the dream without crying… I had prayed that night for God to show me the truth.. When it was over, I knew I would never find what I had in Tara, and how lucky I was to have the people I have in my life. I married her a few months later.
Thursday, September 20, 2007

Scattered reminisce of thought.
A school.
A church.
A building of sorts where people gathered.
Outside in the parking lot my best friend Judy in a car with another girl. A strange force a wind blows through the car and there is silence. This is bad and whatever it was is inside Judy now.
I take her out, I pray for her, lay hands on her, I pray in Heavenly tounge. This goes on, it last a long time...
Finally there is a break, the thing begins to come out, just a little at first where I can feel it exiting through her back. The thing is boney, hard, I life up her shirt and pull it out all the way. It is a dead crow. Dead but still alive. Skin rotting, feathers mangled. It moved around like a new born child. Only this is no child. It is evil.
I try to kill it, I will not die. It escapes. Judy is safe but it is still out there.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Dirty Laundry
We are taking a trip. Myself, Tara, and two men from my work, Kyle and Vince. We are walking on this trip and make it about thirty miles away when I say, let’s just take a bus or something because its faster. Vince gets mad and He and Kyle separate from us (witch I am glad for). We go to the bus station, we go to
I walked outside to a spillway that fed the river, there was dirty laundry in the water, old coats that I wanted to look at, many of them were bight green and the were also dirty mops lining the floor of the spillway that let to the river below. The water here was so dirty but the water below was so clean.
Friday, August 10, 2007
The Green Sick
It comes three times, each time progressing in the amount that it comes. I am setting in a city, downtown at bus stop bench. I am talking to a man, explaining something to him and there is a girl there backing up my statements. Green matter, (sickness I think) begins to ooze from the crevices of all things. It seeps from our eyes, from our jeans, mostly from the man but also from me. As I said the dream happened three times, on the third the ooze came like a Tsunami down the streets of the city. I attempt to blow it back with a super human deep breath, but I don’t have the wind it seems, the man stands beside me to fight as well, but it doesn’t seem to matter, some other force blows the destructive sick back. The dreams end.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Jump Suit
Opened a path to tight spaces filled with slides that got to small to fit through so I turned around and went through a glass wall like it was cellophane. Only I couldn’t break through.
He was waiting on the other side to hurt me. But people came to my aid. He was destroyed because of his own selfish amities to ruin my life and take away from me the one thing that means the most.
Then I was a prodigal protégé in a sort of military camp for people like me. They had guns that shot concentrated air. I could fly but the guns would knock me down. The instructor really liked me but was really hard on me and the other people there looked up to me. We all wore black.
It ended with me making jokes and flying of like I had been shot from a sling.